Internationalization (i18n)

Asqatasun i18n files use UTF-8 character encoding.

Warning: do not translate internal IDs

##### For [form.resultNumber]
##### ---> Do not translate "choice", it is an internal ID
form.resultNumber={0} {0,choice,1#result|1<results}
form.resultNumber={0} {0,choice,1#résultat|1<résultats}
form.resultNumber={0} {0,choice,1#resultado|1<resultados}
form.resultNumber={0} {0,choice,1#개의 결과|1<개의 결과}

Character encoding

All files (including the i18n ones) must be encoded in UTF-8.

Single quote

In i18n files, the single quote ' (apostrophe) may be problematic. Prefer using typographic apostrophe .

Example 1

depth=Profondeur maximale d'un <strong>audit</strong>

This works.

Example 2

depth=Profondeur maximale d''un <strong>audit</strong>

…appears like this: Profondeur maximale d''un <strong>audit</strong>

In this case, it is necessary to use one of the following elements:

  • depth-rule=depth=Profondeur maximale d’un <strong>audit</strong>
  • depth-rule=depth=Profondeur maximale d'un <strong>audit</strong>
  • depth-rule=depth=Profondeur maximale d&apos;un <strong>audit</strong>
  • depth-rule=depth=Profondeur maximale d&#39;un <strong>audit</strong>

Example 3

depth-rule=Prodondeur d'une page de 0 à {0} d'une <strong>page</strong>

…appears like this: Prodondeur dune page de 0 à {0} dune <strong>page</strong>

In this case, it is necessary to use one of the following elements:

  • depth-rule=Prodondeur d’une page de 0 à {0} d’une <strong>page</strong>
  • depth-rule=Prodondeur d''une page de 0 à {0} d''une <strong>page</strong>
  • depth-rule=Prodondeur d&apos;une page de 0 à {0} d&apos;une <strong>page</strong>
  • depth-rule=Prodondeur d&#39;une page de 0 à {0} d&#39;une <strong>page</strong>

Convert a single file

UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 with Unicode escapes

Converts a file encoded in UTF8 to a file in in ISO-8859-1 with Unicode escapes.

native2ascii -encoding utf8 example.utf8.txt

ISO-8859-1 with Unicode escapes to UTF8

Converts a file encoded in ISO-8859-1 with Unicode escapes to a file in UTF8 character encoding.

native2ascii -encoding utf8 -reverse example.reverse.utf8.txt


native2ascii-maven-plugin is only necessary for the export of an audit (PDF, CSV and CSV)