Link checking

Check links locally: with Lychee


Verify links between our own pages

Link checking is made on the filesystem. Really fast! (<10 seconds)

docker run --init -it --rm -w /input -v $(pwd):/input lycheeverse/lychee --format detailed --exclude-all-private --offline content/

Verify links, also to external websites

Quite fast: a few minutes

docker run --init -it --rm -w /input -v $(pwd):/input lycheeverse/lychee --format detailed --exclude-all-private content/

Check links on PRODUCTION

Verify only /v6/ directory:

docker run --init -it --rm -w /input -v $(pwd):/input lycheeverse/lychee --format detailed --exclude-all-private

Check links with Gitlab-CI

TODO implement Lychee in gitlab-ci